The Norbertines Worldwide
In the Middle Ages, there were more than 400 Norbertine order houses stretching from Palestine to Norway, from Latvia to Sicily.Today, the order’s reach extends to six continents and comprises more than 1,000 members. These include approximately 800 priests, brothers, deacons and novices, and 200 sisters. Norbertines follow the Rule of St. Augustine and live communally in priories and abbeys. They also are heavily involved in activities outside their houses.
The Most Rev. Josef Wouters, abbot general, leads the Norbertine order worldwide.
Norbertine Treasures
Some of Europe’s most strikingly beautiful architecture and artwork are found at active and former Norbertine sites. The Cornerstones seminar – a yearlong study of the Norbertine, Catholic intellectual tradition – culminates with a European Norbertine heritage tour of many of these sites.
Every six years, a General Chapter of the order convenes. In 2012, for only the second time in history, the General Chapter was held in the U.S. at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere.