Transfer Guides
Typically, college/university credits earned during or after high school (including community college and technical college) can transfer to SNC if the student earned a C or better in the course. How credits will transfer (i.e., as direct equivalents or as elective credit) will be determined by the registrar’s office after a student enrolls at SNC.
Following receipt of a transcript for evaluation, the registrar’s office reviews the institution’s website for information on accreditation, academic calendar, grade scale and credit-hour definitions. If the credits are not from an accredited institution (e.g., education travel course, military credit, training experience), the registrar’s office consults the credit recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE). If ACE recommendations are commensurate with the level of a four-year institution, the process moves forward with evaluation by discipline coordinators, and credit is granted as evaluated by the faculty. ACE recommendations are followed for credit value and typically for level, unless SNC faculty evaluate the course as a direct equivalent. If a course is not in the ACE recommendations, a syllabus is requested of the student by the registrar’s office, if one had not been provided or was not readily available on the transferring or host (in the case of study abroad) institution’s website. The syllabus is shared with the coordinator of a discipline, who reviews the course content for possible transfer credit. Rigor, assignments, texts, applicable lab work and faculty credentials may be taken into consideration.
A course that would not be recommended for a four-year transfer is not awarded credit, such as a remedial prep course. St. Norbert College has no limit to online transfer courses since a 2015 update to the Faculty Handbook.
Prior to this, however, transfer students receive an informal credit evaluation from the director of academic advising once the student is admitted to St. Norbert College.
Students can also get an idea of how credits have historically transferred from other institutions by looking at our transfer guides. These are non-binding examples and are not an exhaustive list of institutions from which credit is accepted or what courses can be transferred.
These lists are provided as an unofficial reference only and do not constitute a guarantee of transferability.