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The Saint John’s Bible

The Saint John’s Bible is the first illuminated, handwritten Bible of monumental size to be commissioned by a Benedictine monastery in more than 500 years. An extension of the original work, the Heritage Edition is the only full-size, limited, signed and numbered fine-art edition that will ever be produced. In all, only 299 fine art editions have been created and placed in religious, arts, academic, healing and literary institutions around the world. Bound in Italian leather and printed on 100 percent cotton paper, the Heritage Edition features the exquisite calligraphy, vibrant imagery and stunning gold and silver illuminations inspired by the original. 

Learn more about the creation of the original Saint John’s Bible.

The college is blessed to house one of these works in its entirety of seven volumes. We welcome you to visit and take a look!

Volume 1: Pentateuch

First Floor, Main Hall

The first five books of the Old Testament, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, tell the Bible’s greatest stories: of Creation, the Ten Commandments and the Exodus.First Floor, Main Hall

Volume 2: Historical Books

Second Floor, Boyle Hall

From Joshua to 2 Maccabees, these books explore the relationship of God’s people to God’s promise, and trace the rise and fall of the Israelites through the era of judges and kings.

Volume 3: Psalms

Presentation Room, Ariens Family Welcome Center

As the prayers of the church, the Psalms offer many of humankind’s most moving and inspirational declarations of faith and devotion.

Volume 4: Wisdom Books

Second Floor, Mulva Library

In this volume, we discover profound expressions of the human condition through the books Job, Ecclesiastes, Solomon and Sirach.

Volume 5: Prophets

Ground Floor, Bemis International Center

God speaks through the prophets in Volume 5, revealing the destiny of the Hebrews, the fate of the world, and the coming of the Messiah.

Volume 6: Gospels and Acts

Atrium, Old St. Joseph Church

Through the Gospels and Acts, we learn of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the foundation of his church and the spread of his message throughout the Roman Empire.

Volume 7: Letters and Revelation

First Floor, Todd Wehr Hall

The foundational teachings of the Christian tradition are expressed through the letters of the apostles; in Revelation, we learn of the prophetic visions of John.
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