Confidential Support Resources for Faculty and Staff
I Would Like to Speak With Someone Confidentially About Sexual Harassment and/or Gender-Based Violence.
Whether you are a survivor/victim, respondent or witness, you may utilize a confidential resource.
Who May Want to Talk With These Confidential Resources?
- Faculty/staff with general misconduct questions on questions on something they experienced or witnessed
- Respondents (those accused of gender-based/sexual misconduct.)
- Survivors/victims of sexual misconduct
- Witness to misconduct/Title IX discrimination
Important Notes
- These individuals may be required to report to law enforcement in situations where there is an imminent threat to the safety of the victim or to others
- Phone numbers may be answered by a receptionist. When you call, specify that you want to speak to a confidential resource.
Support Groups
The Sexual Assault Center of Family Services often has support groups open to the public. Contact them at 920-436-4360 (x 1225) to learn more.
St. Norbert College Health and Wellness Services
Office hours: Monday-Friday
8:a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 12:p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Health and Wellness Services is located on the second floor of in the Mulva Family Fitness & Sports Center. They are available for confidential medical assistance and health care-related questions. Benefit-eligible employees only.
St. Norbert College Ordained Clergy / Parish
Office hours: Leave a message 24/7/365 and someone will return your call. Calls will be directed to the specific individual with whom one wishes to speak.
- Fr. Mike Brennan, O.Praem.
Parish Office (St. Joseph Hall N209) - Fr. Matthew Dougherty O. Praem.
These confidential community resources are not affiliated with St. Norbert College.
Be Safe Campaign
920-212-SAFE (7233) (lines answered by staff from Golden House)
24/7 hotline for support and information for domestic violence services
Crisis Center of Family Services
3150 Gershwin Drive
920-436-8888 - 24 Hour Hotline
Employee Resource Center Inc.
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
The ERC is an employee-assistance and work-life program that can be accessed anytime, day or night, to speak to a caring professional consultant. Services are free and confidential, 24/7/365. If calling outside of office hours, your call will be forwarded to the after-hours counselor.
Golden House - Domestic Violence Support Services
920-432-4244 - 24 Hour Help Line / TTY
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4321 Advocates provides help and healing to victims of domestic violence.
Sexual Assault Center for Brown County
920-436-8899 - 24 Hour Hotline
The Sexual Assault Center for Brown County offers free crisis intervention, counseling, follow-up assistance, support groups, medical and legal advocacy, and community education.
We All Rise -An African American Resource Center
430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay
920-600-4313 - 24 Hour Crisis call or text line
Wise Women Gathering Place
1641 Commanche Ave, Suite H, Green Bay
- I would like more information on policies and/or additional resources and terminology
- Return to the faculty and staff options page.
St. Norbert College Health and Wellness Services
Office hours: Monday-Friday
8:a.m. - 11:30 a.m. and 12:p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Health and Wellness Services is located on the second floor of in the Mulva Family Fitness & Sports Center. They are available for confidential medical assistance and health care-related questions. Benefit-eligible employees only.
St. Norbert College Ordained Clergy / Parish
Office hours: Leave a message 24/7/365 and someone will return your call. Calls will be directed to the specific individual with whom one wishes to speak.
- Fr. Mike Brennan, O.Praem.
Parish Office (St. Joseph Hall N209) - Fr. Matthew Dougherty O. Praem.
These confidential community resources are not affiliated with St. Norbert College.
Be Safe Campaign
920-212-SAFE (7233) (lines answered by staff from Golden House)
24/7 hotline for support and information for domestic violence services
Crisis Center of Family Services
3150 Gershwin Drive
920-436-8888 - 24 Hour Hotline
Employee Resource Center Inc.
Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.
The ERC is an employee-assistance and work-life program that can be accessed anytime, day or night, to speak to a caring professional consultant. Services are free and confidential, 24/7/365. If calling outside of office hours, your call will be forwarded to the after-hours counselor.
Golden House - Domestic Violence Support Services
920-432-4244 - 24 Hour Help Line / TTY
Toll Free: 1-877-431-4321 Advocates provides help and healing to victims of domestic violence.
Sexual Assault Center for Brown County
920-436-8899 - 24 Hour Hotline
The Sexual Assault Center for Brown County offers free crisis intervention, counseling, follow-up assistance, support groups, medical and legal advocacy, and community education.
We All Rise -An African American Resource Center
430 S. Webster Ave, Green Bay
920-600-4313 - 24 Hour Crisis call or text line
Wise Women Gathering Place
1641 Commanche Ave, Suite H, Green Bay
- I would like more information on policies and/or additional resources and terminology
- Return to the faculty and staff options page.
Harassment/Discrimination Policy
Student Complaint Resolution Procedure
Employee Complaint Resolution Procedure
Heather Butterfield
Assistant Vice President of Human Resources
Main Hall, Garden Level, Room 16