Stephen Ferguson
Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., College of Wooster
Ph.D., University of Memphis
Postdoc, Curtin University
Postdoc, University of Kentucky
Programs: Biology
I use a wide range of tools and approaches both in the wild and in the lab to investigate how behavior, physiology, and genetics influence each other within and between organisms. My research background is in passerine stress physiology, but I have worked on a variety of birds, reptiles, mammals, and insects to investigate predator-prey dynamics, biological clocks, communication, and development. Students in my lab have used free-living and captive animals to test corticosterone responses in nestlings, seasonal variation in vocalizations between male and female birds, the effects of stress on telomere dynamics, and the neurological and behavioral consequences of seasonal shifts, among other projects. Biology is, at its core, a hands-on, integrative science and I aim to get students involved in multifaceted projects that explore relevant mechanisms no matter their intended career path.
At St. Norbert I teach a variety of general Biology and Physiology courses throughout the curriculum. I favor an active, beyond-the-book approach to new material and an emphasis on comparative study and applications. Because no one class can cover everything, I also prefer a “learning how to learn” ethos that gives students the confidence and tools to gain new skills and knowledge after leaving the classroom.