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Academic Technology Advisory Committee

The Academic Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) serves to provide constituency input into the adoption and deployment of academic technologies that effectively evolve, enable, and support teaching, learning and scholarship along the full spectrum learning model. Physical and online learning environments, new and emerging technologies, student devices, and legal and ethical issues around the use of technology are among the topics to be addressed.


Three Faculty members, elected by the Faculty, one member of Academic Staff appointed by the Dean of the College, one representative from the Center for Global Engagement, appointed by the Academic Dean for Global Affairs, one representative from the Mulva Library, appointed by the Director of the Library, one representative from the Office of Academic Support appointed by the Associate Dean for Student Success and Retention, the DLI Director (ex officio) and DLI Digital Fellow (ex officio), up to two student representatives from the Student Government Association and the Director of Academic Technology (ex officio). Terms are two years for faculty, staggered, and one year for students.

Committee Members

Deborah Anderson
Deborah Anderson
Professor of Biology
Location: Gehl-Mulva Science Center-Rm 3116 Phone: 920-403-3199
Phone: 920-403-3199
see photo See Photo
Corey Ciesielczyk
Corey Ciesielczyk
Director of Academic Success, Support, Accessibility and Athletic Liaison
Location: Miriam and James Mulva Library-Rm 302 Phone: 920-403-3874
Phone: 920-403-3874
see photo See Photo
Kyle Diederich
Kyle Diederich
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Location: Gehl-Mulva Science Center-Rm STW_129 Phone: 920-403-3191
Phone: 920-403-3191
see photo See Photo
Joe Dyal
Joe Dyal
Instruction and Academic Engagement Librarian
Location: Miriam and James Mulva Library-Rm 112 Phone: 920-403-3271
Phone: 920-403-3271
see photo See Photo
Krissy Lukens
Krissy Lukens
Director of Educational Technology
Location: Cofrin Hall-Rm 119 Phone: 920-403-3499
Phone: 920-403-3499
see photo See Photo
Michael Olson
Michael Olson
Assistant Professor of Physics
Location: Gehl-Mulva Science Center-Rm 2124 Phone: 920-403-3219
Phone: 920-403-3219
see photo See Photo
Reid Riggle
Reid Riggle
Associate Professor of Education
Location: Boyle Hall-Rm 232 Phone: 920-403-3065
Phone: 920-403-3065
see photo See Photo

Student Representatives

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