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College Wide Learning Outcomes

Within the context of the institution’s Catholic, Norbertine and Liberal Arts traditions, St. Norbert students demonstrate the knowledge, skills and values necessary to: 

THINK CRITICALLY Including but not limited to employing logical analysis and inquiry; evaluating arguments and evidence; demonstrating information literacy and quantitative reasoning; applying knowledge, skills and methods of the natural sciences, the humanities, the visual and performing arts, and the social sciences – including business and economics.
COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY Including but not limited to accurately conveying and interpreting written, spoken and symbolic forms of communication; communicating in ways appropriate to audience, purpose and context; using communication strategies and technologies effectively and ethically; demonstrating basic skills in more than one language.
PROBLEM-SOLVE CREATIVELY Including but not limited to articulating contextual factors and generating relevant questions when defining a given problem; exploring an issue or problem by creating a new approach, product or idea or by synthesizing multiple approaches; evaluating the implications of alternative solutions.
BEHAVE ETHICALLY Including but not limited to identifying, reflecting upon and articulating one’s own principled values; understanding and applying ethical principles in academic, civic and personal contexts; weighing the ethical consequences of alternative courses of action; advocating for ethical outcomes.
INTERACT RESPECTFULLY Including but not limited to collaborating effectively with people from a variety of backgrounds; reflecting critically on cultural biases, including one’s own; valuing the differences, commonalities and contributions of cultures and societies throughout time; engaging conscientiously in personal and civic life.
SERVE RESPONSIBLY Including but not limited to valuing the inherent dignity of all people; advocating for and building systems that promote justice and the common good; making decisions and acting in ways that reflect awareness of global interconnectedness; practicing stewardship and the responsible use of resources.
LIVE PURPOSEFULLY Including but not limited to articulating and acting upon goals and values that support a sense of meaning and purpose in one’s life; engaging in behaviors that promote well-being; understanding the faith commitments out of which our institution grows; esteeming the contributions of diverse faith and values perspectives; practicing reflection and contemplation; demonstrating selfawareness.
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